YES! Factor

Behold the first ever talent competition of OVD! YES! Factor opens to all performing art categories from singing to dancing and all sorts of art forms. Be sure to tune in to our premiere video to watch the artists’ best interpretation of Tenacity and find out who are our top 3 winners! Vote for your favourite performance by simply scanning the QR code and liking the artists post on our Instagram @yesfactor2020.The performance with the highest number of votes and likes on instagram stand a chance to win attractive prizes!

YES! Factor preview

Here is a sneak peak into some of our talented participants! Who would you be rooting for? 

Artists Line-up

Chang Ting

Arts Business Management / School of Humanities and Social Science / Y3

Genre: Dance

Megan Ang

Nursing / School of Health Science / Y2

Genre: Singing

Myron Thiang

Information Technology / School of Infocomm Technology / Y2

Genre: Singing

Jake Ryan Wong

Mass Communication / School of Film and Media Studies / Y2 

Genre: Singing

“I hope to continue writing music that people can relate to” 

Goh Jia Yi

Advertising and Public relations / School of Film and Media Studies / Y2

Genre: Dance

“I hope to showcase my craft and  portray my thoughts behind this piece”

Shareefa Aminah Bte Abdul Shariff

Mass Communication  / School of Film and Media Studies / Y3

Genre: Singing 

“I wanted to use my skills to support a good cause such as Oh’Verve Drive :)”

Chrestella Vasya Basuki

Early Childhood Education / School of Humanities and Social Science /  Y2

Genre: Singing 

“We want to motivate others to keep striving hard in whatever they do”

Janelle Chen

Early Childhood Education / School of Humanities and Social Science /  Y2

Genre: Singing 

“We want to motivate others to keep striving hard in whatever they do”


Arts Business Management / School of Humanities and Social Science / Y1

Genre: Instrumental 

“I really love performing arts!”